SKY-FRAME by R&G Metallbau AG

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The following text provided by the sales representative:

Sky-Frame is a system for large-surface sliding windows and doors with a frame that can be installed flush with the walls, ceiling and floor.  Only a .787 “ glazing bar, where two sections overlap is visible from the frame.
Sky-Frame consists of insulated glazed sections that can accommodate insulated glass units of 1".  The sections are placed in aluminum frames recessed into the floor, wall and ceiling.  The sliding sections rest on ball bearing rollers and glide effortlessly.  Typical U-Values are .37.  Fixed and sliding sections can be combined as desired, either alternating or with adjoining sliding elements opening in opposite directions.  Sky-Frame doors are ADA compliant.
Triple tracks make it possible to slide several elements behind each other.  Butt-glazed corners and sliding corners without fixed corner posts are also possible.
The maximum surface of each sliding section if 65 Square Feet with the shorter side not exceeding 6'-7".
The latch mechanism sits flat against the frame and releases the multipoint locking system when lightly pushed upwards.


Bergwisstrasse 2
CH-8548 Ellikon

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MD - MG & PG,
VA - NoVA,