Beware of Privacy

Submitted by Adrian on

In the past several years there have been an increasing number of requests by building owners for more privacy in their public washrooms, especially in Class A and Trophy office buildings. Most manufacturers of toilet partitions can now offer stalls with no gaps between the components and taller doors and divider panels. These extended doors and divider panels reduce the gap at the floor to 6” and in some cases 4”.

Here in lies the problem. The American with Disabilities Act requires a 9” toe clearance in the handicap accessible stall. This means the door and divider panel in this stall must be mounted at least 9” off the finished floor. ADAAG eliminates this requirement if the depth of the stall is greater than 60”.

However, if the job is governed by ICC/ANSI code the requirements are more stringent. First, the 9” clearance must extend 6” out from the compartment. Second, the divider panel must always have this 9” clearance but the door does not if the stall is greater than 62” deep and a wall hung toilet is provided. If a floor mounted toilet is used, the stall has to be greater than 65” deep to eliminate the toe clearance requirement at the door. If the stall depth is greater than 66”, there is no requirement at all for toe clearances.

You will want to make sure your clients understand these requirements when they bring up the topic of more privacy in the public washroom.

Mike Clancy (
Architectural Resources, Inc.
Bobrick and Hadrian Representative


For more information on bathroom layout issues, you may also want to take a look at the "Barrier Free Washroom Guide" from Bobrick