We are very sad to share the news of the passing of our friend and colleague Jan Dwyer. Having been a very active part of the design community in Washington DC for 13 years, Jan touched many of us with her quick wit, ready smile, and innate concern for others. With Jan having had such an impact in our community, and having heard from so many designers and reps expressing their concern and best wishes, we thought it appropriate to let everyone know of her passing.
Most readers of this post will know that Jan fought a condition that, while long undiagnosed, slowly diminished her physical dynamism; but NEVER came close to overcoming her courage. Even when her disease was finally determined to be ALS, an unconquered foe, Jan did not falter. She remained unshakably positive, exuding a grace of spirit that was inspiring and humbling.
With our prayers for Jan and her family.
The Library Resources team
- Lynne, Adrian, Iris, Ilkim, Jessica and Evan